Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Buying DVD's

Went to the store to pick up some groceries, a new computer mouse and a movie. I have been wanting to see a movie titled "Battle Los Angeles." Now buying a DVD in France is fine, as long as you have a DVD player purchased in France. DVD players from America will not play DVD's from Europe. It's an anti-picracy kind of thing that is built into them. DVD's and DVD players are encoded with a region, Europe, the America's or Asia. The DVD player and the DVD must be compatible. This is why I brought two DVD players from America with me to France. So I could play all the DVD's that I have collected over the years.

Back to buying the DVD. Most of the titles are in French and English, so no language worries. But try as I might I could not find the movie I was looking for. I looked under the action/adventure sign. I looked in the horror section. I looked in the drama section and the new video section and even on the cheap sale shelves. Nothing.
I finally gave up after my eyes began to cross from reading all the movie titles along their spines. The DVD's were mostly stacked like books, very few were turned to display their front cover.
I got home and searched Amazon France for the movie. There it was. A different title, same movie. "World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles" it would have been under the W's, silly me.

Movies over here often have different titles and/or different covers.

P.S. I knew French for battle was bataille and of course Los Angeles is the same in any language. I thought it would be an easy one to find. It had to be in the B's right?

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